

Once you hit the SUBMIT button, the following will be displayed on the bottom left of the button. "Your Submission Was Successful". If you do not see this, the application has been delivered. Please try again.

Please email us your Public Liability, 3 of your best images and a small description of your products that we can use to promote your business. There is a stall holder fee of $80 and an invoice will be sent to your email upon acceptance into the Festival.

Now, when it comes to setting up your stall, we're all about adding a dash of pizzazz! Sure, we do have some trusty trestle tables on hand, but we encourage you to think beyond the ordinary. Picture a space bursting with creativity and engagement, not just a run-of-the-mill table setup.

To help your imagination take flight, we're generously offering spaces of up to 3m x 3m. If you're dreaming of something even grander, don't hesitate to reach out; we're more than happy to accommodate your vision!

We can't wait to welcome you on board at Adelaide's Coastal Festival - Vine, Brew, and Artisan Market! It's going to be an unforgettable event where we celebrate all the amazing things that South Australia has to offer. Get ready to join us for a day filled with creativity, delicious brews, and the finest local artisan products.

Your unique stall will add an extra layer of excitement to our festival, and we're thrilled to have you be a part of it. Let's make this event a fantastic showcase of South Australia's vibrant culture and talent!